Rugas Technologies


IoT solution for Remote Patient Monitoring & Video Consulting

Location: Mysore. Karnataka
Industry: Medical

Client and Product

IoT solution for remote monitoring of patient parameters, which involves connecting a medical device to an IoT gateway and a tablet for video conferencing. Our cloud applications grant doctors and care providers access to accurate diagnostic data, while the built-in video conferencing app enables swift consultations. The development of cloud applications on our IoT platform, in conjunction with the end-to-end video conference solution provided by Rugas Technologies, ensures a comprehensive and seamless healthcare experience.

The Challenge

As you may already know, there are an infinite number of things you can test on your site to help you increase sales.

Instant Offices asked us to take their performance to the next level by driving an additional 20% in revenue. This was a huge challenge, especially since we already had front-page rankings for 90% of the top 1000 cities across the globe.

We took the challenge head-on by focusing on new target audiences, developing custom software to analyse data and launching a creative multi-layered content and PR campaign. At the base of our strategy, we analysed over 250 enquiries and mapped them to job titles, and segmented these into two main groups of people looking for office space – entrepreneurs and office managers.

Do more with emaus

Our Strategy

Berspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

Make your customer service stand out.​
Customize your reports and get insights into the metrics that matter.​
They help improve communication and make sense of massive amounts of data.​​

Marketing Goals

We ran display campaigns to help promote specific content pieces for brand awareness in the US. These were set up to target a very specific, relevant affinity audience across key-topic related placements, allowing us to maximise relevance, impression share and ROI.

SEO Onsite optimisation

We ran display campaigns to help promote specific content pieces for brand awareness in the US. These were set up to target a very specific, relevant affinity audience across key-topic related placements, allowing us to maximise relevance, impression share and ROI.

The Results

Between August 2018 & 2019 we managed to smash all targets and exceed every single goal set. SEO traffic went up 51%, enquiries up 27% and revenue up 27% Year on Year.
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Traffic Increase From SEO
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Increase in New Users
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Increase in Inquiries
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Revenue Increase
“I’am amazed, I should say thank you so much for your awesome template. Design is so good and neat.”
Christine Clark

Related Case Studies

Between August 2018 & 2019 we managed to smash all targets and exceed every single goal set. SEO traffic went up 51%, enquiries up 27% and revenue up 27% Year on Year.


Migrate your data to a cloud-based platform

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Shopping from India and shipping worldwide

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